How to Sign a Riddle in ASL: Math Magic

What better way to practice using ASL numbers for both receiving and signing than with a math riddle!

A great way to strengthen your signing grammar and math calculation skills. In this video we sign out-loud, so to speak, using basic math operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.

If you stink at math, don’t worry. So do I, as the caption-er loved to point out! What a hoot! Have a blast with this puzzle! See you next week!

How to Sign Hulk and Other Marvel Characters in ASL

When I was a child, Stan Lee was my personal hero. But even heroes make mistakes.

Spider Man, Black Panther, Iron Man, Thor, Black Widow, Captain America, Cyclops, X-Men, Wolverine, Daredevil, Dr. Strange all have their genesis in the mind of Lee and his partner, Jack Kirby.

However, Hulk was not born as we know him today. The angry green wrecking machine, it could be argued, was a product of a… wrecked machine.